Monday, August 12, 2013

Another Little Trip

We went to Vermont for an overnight trip this weekend.  As many of you know, we used to live there and we love it.  The trip there is so pretty...
I think that's Killngton....
I knitted on my Cozy wrap on the way there, but I won't bore you with a picture that looks exactly the same as the last one I posted.  It's just getting longer is all.
We have our things that we like to do. 
1) Test if we still have a fear of heights by checking out the Quechee Gorge:

We do.  Both of us.  This is as close to the edge as I can get, and I'm on my own because Paul can't even get this far.  My legs get weak the moment I start walking on the bridge.  And I can't even walk to the middle of the bridge.  When cars go by, the whole bridge bounces up and down and I'm always certain it will fall down.  But it really is gorgeous isn't it?  And we are wondering how we will survive visiting the Grand Canyon, because we both really want to go there.

2) We also like to go to the Quechee Antiques Village/Flea Market.  Here is our haul:
Paul has an eye toward decorating the new garage and I, of course, am focused on food... that cast iron pan is from the 1940's.

3) We also drive up to Bradford to see our old house:
 ....and the gorgeous views we had:

4) And of course there was the food.  We went to the Salt Hill Pub in Lebabon, NH for a beer and pub food:
Shepherd-like pie and open-faced meatloaf sandwich.  Mmmmmmm.

And a great breakfast at the 4 Aces Diner, also in NH (West Lebanon):
A magic 8 ball on every table - remember those?

... and then lunch at White Cottage (great onion rings) in Woodstock on the way home.

A very quick day and a half trip but it was fun as always!  Now I'm off to practice for the Spinning Bee competition at the Altamont Fair this weekend.  Riveting stuff coming up on the blog, I tell you.

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